Norwegian Classes

An quick overview over links with Norwegian Courses.
Online Norwegian Classes

Courses in Norwegian For Self-study

Norwegian Classes

This site gives overview over online Norwegian classes and their elements

I also work as a private tutor. Visit my site to - Learn Norwegian Online

The Norwegian Classes I offer follow a general pattern.
For beginner classes it is absolutely necessary to train in pronunciation.
To properly train in pronunciation it is a must, unfortunately, to do a lot of repetitive tasks.
In the repetition tasks I, as a teacher, read words and phrases to be repeated by you, the student.
This is naturally only a part of the beginner class. Other important element is basic Norwegian language structure and grammar.
We will go through basic grammar and with homework tasks - you will learn the basic structures.

From the earliest classes I use many listeing tasks.This is an absolutely necessary part that will be used regardless of level, including advanced level. It is one thing to have communcation with your teacher only and listen to longer communications with different dialects.

In Basic Norwegian the principal elements are Norwegian grammar and vocabulary.
In Norwegian at an intermediate level the focus continue to be on the grammar from the Basic.
Added to the basic level is more advanced use of grammatical rules.
The largest difference at an intermediate level is the use of idioms and phrasal verbs, making your vocabulary look much more "native" and being able to talk about various topics in Norwegian. Intermediate level Norwegian is much more topic oriented and less about learning individual grammatical rules.

For the complete overview visit - Online Norwegian Online

List of sites offering classes at Norwegian Class

New site with several instruction videos.
Many of these videos are related to Basic Norwegian.

My basic Norwegian videos can also be found on my Youtube channel - Norwegian course

Online Norwegian Classes Links